What is Chiropractic
Chiropractic is recommended in the management and prevention of many functional or pathological disorders of the musculoskeletal system, known as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). MSDs result in contractures, pain or limited mobility. The goal of chiropractic is not to substitute for medical treatment but to offer an alternative to surgery and medication, whenever the diagnosis makes this therapy possible. Chiropractic is also used, with proven and recognized effectiveness, in the prevention of certain pathologies such as back pain and osteoarthritis. It is a manual medicine recognized by the Public Health Code which reserves the title of Chiropractor to professionals with a diploma approved by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education.
About Mychiro
The chiropractor must validate a full time initial training of about 5000 hours of teaching.
The total standard period of study for chiropractors is at least 5 years and the master’s level is achieved.
Provide Appropriate Support to Diagnose your Musculoskeletal Condition
The chiropractor begins by questioning their patient about their past medical history and any possible conditions. They are also interested in factors in their lifestyle and work that could promote the emergence of musculoskeletal issues. They then conduct a physical examination and may request additional tests if necessary, such as X-rays. If the symptoms suggest a medical diagnosis or treatment, if the symptoms persist or worsen, or if the issues presented are beyond their scope of expertise, the chiropractor will refer the patient to a doctor. The chiropractor’s scope of expertise is defined by regulation 2011-32 of January 7, 2011.
Treat your musculoskeletal issues
Based on this information, the chiropractor establishes a treatment plan. They then manually intervene and perform mobilization or spinal manipulation procedures (known as chiropractic adjustments). They may also use specialized equipment.
Prevent the reoccurrence of symptoms
The chiropractor may also provide advice on posture, diet, or lifestyle to strengthen the effectiveness of the treatment they provide.
Techniques of care adapted to everyone
Chiropractic is a non-pharmaceutical and conservative therapeutic method, meaning it does not use surgery or injections. It is mainly based on spinal manipulation and joint mobilization.
Spinal Manipulation
The so-called HVLA manipulation is a „forced“ maneuver, brief and dry, maintained at the level of a joint to restore its mobility. It aims to improve joint function and/or reduce pain. Spinal manipulations are recommended by most national and international health agencies. They mainly concern the management of acute or chronic lower back pain.
Joint Mobilization
Mobilization involves a slow, large range of motion applied by the chiropractor on a joint within its usual range. It can be performed in an oscillating manner: the joint is moved repetitively in a sliding or variable magnitude rotation. It can also consist of holding the joint at its usual maximum range. The mobilization aims to achieve a gain in joint range of motion and/or stretch soft tissues (muscles and tendons, in particular).
For preventive or curative purposes, therapeutic exercises proposed by chiropractors to their patients are an essential part of the therapeutic arsenal. They are effective in managing the most common spinal pain and produce analgesic effects and prevent the recurrence of pain.
Advice on posture and lifestyle
Consistent with their holistic approach to individual health, chiropractors attach particular importance to knowledge and consideration of psychosocial and environmental factors, such as stress or occupation, for example. Some of these factors are likely to promote the development of musculoskeletal issues. After listening carefully to their patients, and if necessary, the chiropractor can give advice on lifestyle hygiene, as well as posture advice adapted to the patient’s environment. Following these pieces of advice generally increases the benefits of treatment and prevents the recurrence of symptoms.
Our Treatment Concept
MYCHIRO’s philosophy is grounded in the belief that the body is a complex system, where the spine, nervous system, and certain health issues are all interconnected. Our approach to chiropractic care takes into account the body’s recuperative abilities and emphasizes the importance of maintaining optimal musculoskeletal functioning.
We understand that small imbalances in everyday life, such as missed steps or carrying loads on the same side, can lead to discomfort or even pain over time. Therefore, we provide a „technical control“ to identify and treat these imbalances to ensure the overall functionality of your body.
At MYCHIRO, we collaborate with our patients to create personalized treatment plans that involve regular adjustments, lifestyle advice, and posture correction to enhance their body’s ability to adapt to daily stresses. We believe that regular chiropractic care is not only curative but also preventive and crucial for overall health and well-being.
We are dedicated to providing exceptional chiropractic care that empowers our patients to take control of their health and well-being.